

Send an HTTP GET request to a webserver.

The response code is stored in %HTTPR. A response code of -1 indicates a problem making the request. Any returned data is stored in the variable %HTTPD if the content type is text-based (max 4K).

Returned header fields are stored in the local variable array %header (%header1, %header2 etc)

Example: running a script

Server:Port: www.big.com [no port specified, use port 80]
Path: cgi-bin/palpable.pl
Attributes: [must be separated by newlines, no spaces please]
Timeout: 30 [read timeout after 30 seconds]
Content-Type: [if nothing specified, use server-specified value]
File: results [optional: store returned data in /sdcard/results]

Attribute keys and values are url-encoded automatically.

Server:Port can be preceeded by a) https:// to require a secure, trusted connection b) a username:password@ to add a Basic Authorization header field to the request.

The Cookies parameter is of the form:


Ignore SSL Anchor Errors: only for https connections, ignoring such errors leaves the connection open to man-in-the-middle attacks.

<> ~~socialite~~