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Camicoma Ltd t/a VaperTrails

VaperTrails Winchester & VaperTrails Salisbury.

Company name: Camicoma Ltd. t/a VaperTrails
Company address: 68 New Canal, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, SP1 2AQ

This company has dodgy practices surrounding their Point of Sales machines; made by Clover.

I left a review on Google Maps;

DO NOT USE CONTACTLESS HERE. The machine will take money from your card more than once. When you show them your card statement this has happened, they lie to you and fob you off with some excuse I didn't have money on my card. I showed them the statement and they denied it ever happens. Tom knew of this over 6 months ago and is probably one of the many reasons he walked out. Dave knew about it too and lied to me saying it was the the first time it happened. Dodgy AF behaviour. You lost a customer. Ever noticed I don't buy my hardware from you? Wonder why now? Your practices for when things go wrong are sub par.

Also, look at how they comment to negative reviews on here. Can't take criticism at all. LOL.

Don't come in if I can't pay! I did pay and you stole my money and refused me products you scum bags. Breach of contract. TS has been informed.

I didn't have money, they didn't take money, I'm a liar! Photo attached is why it got declined, your stupid machine cancelled on an auth, but still took the money. Only happens at your place.

And BTW, reporting my review as malicious is in itself malicious. This time I provide supporting evidence I DID HAVE MONEY AND YOU TOOK IT!

They responded with the following

Response from the owner: Your card payment did not go through due to insufficient funds. I would contact your card provider as we are not at fault here at all. Don't come in my shop again if you cant pay!

Yet clearly my card shows it being Auth'd. I only had £20 on that card, thankfully, so didn't lose potentially £36.

These guys don't even have a website, they promote their nonsense on Facebook only. This is a clear, red flag of scam-fuckery.

This is one of the many reasons Tom walked out. The company cares not for security nor proper practices. Why do you think these guys only sell E-Leak and Smok shyte? No real company will deal with them, so they get the same stock as every other mediocre E-Cig shop. The only thing that made them stand out, was their wider range of CBD products. Shy of this, the shop is shyte and intended for the newbie vaper.

New response

I got this response when I attached a photo showing my card did get charged and updated my review…!

Response from the owner 3 hours ago

Your card payment did not go through due to insufficient funds. I would contact your card provider as we are not at fault here at all. Don't come in my shop again if you cant pay!

Right, any business would decline handing over goods if the payment had shown as declined on their end, being abusive and aggressive certainly didn't help the issue which we were all trying to get to the bottom of. For this reason you've been banned from the shop.

To put the matter straight the member of staff was sacked he did not walk out for any such reason.

I suggest you take this matter up with your card provider who I'm sure will be able to assist you further.

My edit to this

edit: You have just violated Tom's data protection and have just committed an act of Human Rights violation against him for PUBLICLY ANNOUNCING HE WAS SACKED!

You are the abusive ones here and you lost me as a customer long before you proved you are a vile, nasty and horrid company. You wonder why you only sell cheap products like Smok and Eleak. Nobody wants to business with a company like you.

Your shame is now for the world to see.

What utter scumbags

Liars! You are vile. Good riddens to you!

Google Review

After appealing their false claim my review was a violation, Google have restored it. They have also made a new comment! I think this company is a Trump supporter! :-D LOL!

Google Maps Review


VaperTrails Winchester. VaperTrails Salisbury. Camicoma Ltd trading as VaperTrails. There is no official website for VaperTrails Winchester. There is no official website for VaperTrails Salisbury. VaperTrails in Salisbury and Winchester official website doesn't exist.

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