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Authenticate with a web service.

OAuth 2.0

Allows you to sign in a user and act on behalf of that user in a web service.

For example, if you sign in as a user on the Spotify API and give it proper permissions, you can then add songs to the user's Spotify playlists.

On most web services that use OAuth 2.0 you have to create an app on that service that you can then use to sign in the user.

Very important: when creating the app on the web service make sure to set the Redirect URI to

Client ID and Client Secret
Given to you by the web service when you create an app on it
Endpoint To Get Code
A URL that is indicated in the web service documentation. Look for a URL in the docs that has the response_type=code parameter and use just the base URL.
For example, for Google web services that support OAuth 2.0 this URL is as you can see here.
Endpoint To Get Refresh Token
Also an URL that is indicated in the web service documentation. Look for a URL in the docs that has the grant_type=refresh_token parameter in the request body.
For example, for Google web services that support OAuth 2.0 this URL is as you can see here.
The will define the permissions that your app will request the user when acting on his/her behalf.
For example, to list a user's calendars in the Google Calendar API you would need to use the scope.

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