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WikiD Instructables

Tasker Discussion

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Tasker Discussion

MCG, 2019/08/02 14:58
AutoTools dialogs allow HTML to be used in some places, but "not all HTML tags are supported". Which ones are?
Name, 2019/08/02 09:26
There is a spreadsheet of plugins somewhere are which would be good all of those also available at this website with there descriptions next to them.
Slim Pickens, 2019/08/01 23:28
Please explain using "Return" vs "Stop". I've always used stop, but recently downloaded a great wifi task that had used returns. The documentation for Return states it is used with a perform task, although this project didn't have any perform tasks. There was nothing that showed this was a child task returning to a parent task. I'm confused. It was mw.prj.xml in the beginners guide. I have tried two or three different wifi projects and I found this one suited my needs the best. I've since modified it to fit my needs.

Thanks for all your help.
Don't use your real name please, 2019/08/01 19:48
What would you like WikiD Instructables to focus on for documentation?

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